Blame Not the Bard
Iowa City, Iowa
Blame Not the Bard is on a mission: to bring alive the songs and stories of Ireland. Expertly blending their
captivating storytelling and historical knowledge with fiery instrumentals and musical prowess, Blame
Not the Bard’s high-energy show will get your hands clapping and feet tapping through an afternoon of
down-to-earth entertainment you won’t soon forget!
Blame Not the Bard was formed in 2015. Since then, they have played hundreds of shows, lighting up the
stages in intimate lounges and major festivals including main stage appearances at the Iowa Irish Fest in
Waterloo, IA. Boasting multiple media appearances, including a 2021 feature in Little Village Magazine,
an artist feature on KDEC 100.5 and numerous appearances on the award-winning Irish and Celtic Music
Podcast with tunes from their debut album, Soundcheck, and a 2022 full-length Greetings from Iowa PBS
special, Blame Not the Bard is sharing their songs and stories nationwide.
Blame Not the Bard, an Irish band from Iowa, is one to keep an eye on. Every time they play at our Iowa
Irish Fest, they bring a genuine authenticity to the Irish music they present as if they were from the
Emerald Isle itself. With strong vocals, some fancy fiddling and even a dance step or two. BNTB never fails
to entertain and leave you with an Irish smile on your face and in your heart.”
Greg Tagtow – Iowa Irish Fest Entertainment Chair
When Nikki is playing with BNTB, she could walk out the door, play all the way to the nearest river, walk in
and the crowd would follow her right in. She is completely captivating, and the ensemble is more fun to
listen to than any other group in the region.
Eric Renteria – Owner – Olive Wine
True entertainers! Blame Not the Bard has played here for us several times. They do not disappoint!
…They will entertain you with their lively, spirited music.
Diane Spiekermeier – Owner – Hill Side Inn
Get Your Tickets to Irish Fest
3 days of Irish fun!